PDFs of several articles and other content have been added, for free download, to the EA page: http://www.ees.ac.uk/publications/egyptian-archaeology.html
From EA 42:
The EES news pages at the front of the magazine
Hélène Virenque, Letters from the Delta: Edouard Naville and the EEF
José M Galan, The Book of the Dead in Djehuty’s burial chamber
Campbell Price: Displaying Egypt and Sudan at the Manchester Museum
Patricia Spencer, Digging Diary 2012
From EA 41:
The EES news pages at the front of the magazine
Margaret Mountford, A day at the races in Byzantine Oxyrhynchus
David Jeffreys, Egyptian landscapes and environmental archaeology
Kristin Thompson, Significant composite statue fragments from Amarna
Bookshelf with reviews of:
John Romer, A History of Ancient Egypt: from the first farmers to the Great Pyramid. (Reviewed by Aidan Dodson)
Andrew Robinson, Cracking The Egyptian Code. The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion. (Reviewed by Peter Clayton)
Richard H Wilkinson (editor), Tausret: forgotten queen and pharaoh of Egypt. (Reviewed by Aidan Dodson)
Jeffrey Abt, American Egyptologist: The Life of James Henry Breasted and the Creation of His Oriental Institute. (Reviewed by Jason Thompson)
Jack Green, Emily Teeter and John A Larson (eds), Picturing the Past. Imaging and Imagining the Ancient Middle East. (Reviewed by Patricia Spencer)