On 12 August 2010, Professor William Y Adams, gave an illustrated, and highly entertaining, talk to EES members in the Committee Room at Doughty Mews, describing his life and career which had taken him from his first archaeological work in the south-west USA to fieldwork in Sudan and Egyptian Nubia, for which he has achieved world-wide recognition. Professor Adams is a former Director of the EES excavations at Qasr Ibrim and has written two Excavation Memoirs for the Society. See: www.ees-shop.co.uk
Professor Adams has recently published his autobiography The Road from Friholes Canyon. Anthropolitical Adventures on Four Continents which will be reviewed in Egyptian Archaeology 37 (Autumn 2010) by Dr Julie R Anderson of the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum.
A few photographs taken after the talk, and of the EES stall at the Nubian Conference held the previous week at the British Museum, are now on the Society's Flickr page.